Friday, April 1, 2011


               This is a bit long but I hope it's worth it.I'll try to put up the continuation as soon as possible. Enjoy! 

       Let’s go 12hrs back in time. I was fast asleep, dreaming of my hot English-Lit professor. He had just mentioned at the end of his class that he’d like to discuss something with me. I panicked for a second, where my grades slipping? Or had he discovered I had practically copied my last paper off the web? Oh no!. OK Raine, breathe. You don’t want to get one of your panic attacks in front of Professor Hottie, that would just be mortifying. I slouched a little in my seat and waited for everyone to leave. When there was no one left but just us two, he narrowed his piercing eyes at me and said,
“Are you afraid I’m going to scold you or something? ‘cause you look terrified”.
I swallowed hard and gave him a nervous grin.
“Well you can relax because that’s not what I want to talk to you about.”
Then he started walking towards me and I couldn’t help but stare at his well toned body and biceps. Where does he find time to work out? He couldn’t be anything less than 40 but he still managed to look so damn sexy every single day and in whatever outfit he threw on. He was now standing directly in front of me and then he leaned forward and placed his hands on my desk so his piercing hazel eyes were staring directly at me.
“Actually what I wanted to say is…” He moved his face closer and I could feel his breath on my lips.I closed my eyes and leaned in,ready for the kiss of the century and then…. BUZZ. I was jolted awake by the sound of my buzzer going off. AARGH!!!, who was buzzing me at...I glanced at my alarm clock, 2AM!. I staggered angrily out of bed and walked  towards my door where the buzzer was, pressing the answer button and almost yelling ‘WHAT!’ at the person on the other end.
 “Geez It’s me Priya, open up!”, came the voice from the other end of the buzzer.
Great! Priya’s here. Now I’ll never know what Professor Hottie was going to say.
I opened my room door and walked back into my bed room and sat down on my bed desperately trying to recite every detail of the dream so I wouldn’t forget any of it. A few minutes later Priya walked in to my  room dressed in her pajamas and bedroom flip-flops, with a house robe hanging loosely from her shoulders and with…..wait, did she just walk all the way from her dorm to mine with face mask on, in the middle of the night?. Then again, that was Priya for you, a girl who took after her bohemian parents and therefore didn’t give a crap about the norms of society. We met on the first day of our freshman year in college. I was late for registrations and by the time I got to the hall, the line was so long. She was dressed in a yellow and black zebra print strapless dress with a multi colored scarf around her head and a lot of what looked like handmade jewelry, oh and she wore brown leather cow boy boots. She was the last on the line so I walked up and stood behind her. She didn’t seem to care that she looked totally ridiculous in her ensemble which was what struck me most about her. As I walked up behind her, she turned around and took the sight of me in with her heavily dark made up eyes as if to consider if I was someone she could possibly be friends with.
“Guess your parents too thought it would be a ‘great’ idea to ship you off to this island to study hunh?”,which was exactly what I had been thinking from the moment my flight landed on this pretty yet a little secluded island. I smiled at her and she smiled back and that was beginning of an interesting friendship.
        So back to the present….
 “You know you could scare the shit out of someone with that face mask”. I pointed out.
  “I’m sorry Raine,I couldn’t sleep with that jerk next door blasting his heavy metal music”.
“Don’t you just hate that?”, I replied absentmindedly.
“Hate is such a strong word”,she said very matter-of-factly. I couldn’t be bothered with Priya and all her bohemian crap at the moment. I was too busy being pissed at not being able to finish my dream.
“You where dreaming about Professor Aron again weren’t you?,that’s why you’re in such a foul mood”
“I’m in a foul mood because you woke me up at this very ungodly hour”
She chuckled and threw herself on my bed, taking off her robe and flip-flops and tossing it on the floor.
“You were having a steamy dream about him”, she teased
 “Let’s just get some sleep ok?”, I said trying to avoid any further teasing.
“Yeah.If you don't sleep with him, I will and it won't be to get my grades up 'cause I get straight As in his course anyway",she giggled. “Oh and by the way, we’re going down by the lake tomorrow morning to continue your swimming lessons”. Priya was appalled by the fact that I didn’t know how to swim and she was determined to teach me . I slumped back on my bed beside her and muttered goodnight as I started to drift off to sleep again.
    The next morning, we were up early and were just getting ready to head off to the lake when Priya remembered she’d come over in her pjs.
“Oh shoot, I don’t have anything to wear, do you still have that t-shit and those shorts I left in your room the other day?”. She’d left this tie and dye t-shirt and yellow shorts from the last time we went swimming and  had to swim in them because she didn’t have any underwear on.Only Priya would leave her house without any underwear. After she’d finally forced me to put on the tiny shorts she bought for me for my birthday which I hated wearing because I felt my ass kept hanging out of it, we were finally ready to go.
      We took the route through the woods to get to the lake,as we did our usual early morning gossip. We were just talking about the girl that was announced missing a few days ago when we heard voices in front of us. They sounded like they were arguing about something. Priya was still going on about how creepy the whole missing girl situation was, when I shushed her. We crept closer and crouched behind a tree not very far from what looked like two men standing behind a truck were. We watched as they dragged out a rather large bin bag out of the back of the truck. For a few seconds, I couldn’t make out what the content of the bin bag was and then it dawned on me. OH MY GOD!!!. Priya was probably thinking the same thing because she gasped and covered her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. It looked like they were carrying a body. I could make out the head and shoulders, and the other guy was dragging the body by the ankles. We watched in horror as these very questionable characters argued about where to bury the body. They started yelling after a while and we could hear the conversation.
“I told you not to put too much in her drink, just enough to knock her out for a few hours,but no. You always have to do it your way don’t you.”,one of them said.
“The bitch had it coming,she should have known better than to call me a  stupid punk in front of my frat brothers.”, the other replied, dragging the body as he spoke. I turned to Priya too see if she was as terrified as I was. To my complete horror, she was making a face like she was about to sneeze. Oh God! , she’s going to get us killed. Priya was one of those people who liked to be overly dramatic about sneezing.
“Shit, what do I do?, think fast!”,ok usually when I don’t want to sneeze out loud,I pinch my nose. So I horridly grabbed her nose just as she was about to sneeze……Didn’t work.
I froze. Ok that wasn’t so loud,so hopefully they didn’t hear. WRONG.
The men both stopped and stared in our direction. They looked at each other as if they were doing some sort of communication with their eyes and then one of then put his hand inside his jacket and pulled out a small gun. The other dropped the part of the body he was holding and did the same.
As they started creeping towards us,Priya whispered “RUN!” to me and with that, we started racing towards the left where there were less trees.
    My heart was beating fast and I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. As I ran behind Priya, I kept thinking, “This can’t be it for me,I’m only 21. My life has barely begun”. I could hear Priya panting as she raced on, and behind me the heavy footsteps of the two men chasing us. I couldn’t see where we were going because the branches of the tress made the path a little dark.  After what seemed like forever, I could finally see brightness and before I could thank my stars, I realized we were approaching the edge of a cliff. “Oh God, we are so dead!”. Priya got to the edge of the cliff before me and she yelled “JUMP!” .Before I could register what was going on she had disappeared.
“What the hell did she say that for?,she knows I can’t swim". I stopped just at the edge and turned around and I could see the silhouette of the two men approaching. I couldn’t move, I kept watching their shadows until I could actually see them. Then I knew I had two options. Stand there and get shot or jump and possibly drown. With every second I wasted contemplating, the men drew closer. The first man was very close now and started raising his arm with the gun in it when I just decided that I’d rather die drowning than get shot and with that,I juMped…... TO BE CONTINUED.

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